“ Planting the seeds for another century of growth and prosperity “

The 100th Anniversary celebrations of the International Seed Federation, held during the World Congress in Rotterdam on May , 27th, 28th and 29th   2024, highlighted a century of innovation and global trade and provided guidelines for the future.

Founded in 1924 in Cambridge by a group of operators with the aim of establishing contacts between importers and exporters and formulating the rules of seed trade, the “Fédération Internationale du commerce des semences” (FIS), precursor of the current “International Seed Federation” ( ISF ), and its members have contributed to the quality of debate on plant breeding innovation, intellectual property  and the international seed trade .

During this century of history, ISF has evolved into a complex and multi-faceted organization with members in approximately 75 countries.


Its commitment to innovation and quality has helped introducing rigorous standard in seed testing and plant breeding , revolutioning the industry and enabling farmers to access high quality seeds .

ISF’S VISION  : A world where the highest quality seed is accessible to all and supports sustainable agriculture and food security .

ISF’S MISSION : to create the best environment for the global movement of seed and to promote plant beeeding and innovation .

A global business with many moving , interconnected parts ; seed companies bred, trial, produce and sell seeds in countries all over the world.


SAIS SPA has been a member of FIS since the 1950s, which evolved into the current International Seed Federation and the company’s managers annually take part to all international conferences.

Sais recognizes itself in this “journey” made of innovation, technology, collaboration and international connections and fully shares ISF’s vision and values, while exporting its products to over 75 countries in the world.

SAIS breeding programs and corporate policies are inspired by the evolving needs of traders, producers and consumers around the world.


In most of the countries where SAIS operates, there is an ongoing transition from traditional agriculture to organized industrial agriculture and seed drives this change and farmers are entrepreneurs and investors at the same time.

Sustainability and eco-friendly farming  are concepts that have started influencing the way of operating in Sais.

A particularly current topic is represented by the impact of climate change which puts breeders of seed companies under pressure in order to obtain and develop varieties with high yields and better quality, using fewer natural resources and withstanding biotic and abiotic stresses.

Promoting environmentally and socially responsible business practices is more relevant now than ever.

Priorities include building knowledge, advocacy and partnership with the food value chain.


Source :

– International Seed Federation