Welcome in SAIS

SAIS S.p.a. is italian seed company established in 1941 that produces, commercializes and carries on breeding programme of vegetables species.

The goal of our research activities is to join the italian diversity with high performances, taste, pathogen resistance and adaptability to growing conditions in Italy and abroad.

The variety selection bred by S.A.I.S. is integrated with varieties from our italian and foreign partners.

The maintainement of old varieties and the production of quality seeds allow us to complete our choice of vegetable and herb seeds dedicated to professional agriculture and nursery.

News & Events

Monday, 1 July 2024
The production of good qua[...]
Friday, 28 June 2024
The 2024 commendation was awar[...]
Monday, 3 June 2024
The Cherry and Grape Tomatoes [...]